PuTTY Web Site Mirrors

This is a mirror. Follow this link to find the primary PuTTY web site.

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Here is a list of PuTTY web site mirrors.

If you would like to set up another mirror, see the mirroring guidelines below.

The official PuTTY home site, in case that isn't where you're reading this, is

HTTP mirrors of the whole site:

Be aware that the mirrors are not updated instantly. Also, in many cases, none of the FTP links on the Download page have been mirrored - they still point to the same places as on the original web site. (The HTTP links on the Download page have been mirrored.)

FTP mirrors of the PuTTY releases:

HTTP mirrors of the PuTTY development snapshots:

FTP mirrors of the PuTTY development snapshots:

Mirroring guidelines

If you want to set up a mirror of the PuTTY website, go ahead and set one up. Please don't bother asking us for permission before setting up a mirror. You already have permission.

If the mirror is in a country where we don't already have plenty of mirrors, we may be willing to add it to the list on this page. Read the guidelines below, make sure your mirror works, and email us the information listed at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: We do not promise to list your mirror, or anyone's. We get a lot of mirror notifications, and yours may not happen to find its way to the top of the list.

NOTE also: as of 2007-12-20, we link to all our mirror sites using the rel="nofollow" attribute. Running a PuTTY mirror is not intended to be a cheap way to gain search rankings.

The preferred (and simplest) way to mirror the PuTTY website is to use rsync. We provide a version of the website content intended for use as a standalone mirror, at rsync://rsync.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ftp/users/sgtatham/putty-website-mirror. So you could set up a mirror by running a cron job which issued a command something like this every day:

rsync -auH rsync://rsync.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ftp/users/sgtatham/putty-website-mirror/ .

You should run this command inside the directory where you plan to put the mirror; when that command is run, it will fill the current directory with HTML files and subdirectories. Alternatively, you can replace . with the name of the target directory.

Since rsync is incremental, there should be no reason not to update frequently, although currently there's no point in doing so more often than once a day, and our server does have a limit on the number of rsync connections. In any case, we would recommend updating no less often than once a week, in order to fetch any urgent updates such as security bugfixes. You can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive notification of new releases.

We used to support an alternative method of mirroring using GNU wget, and provided a sample shell script. This is now deprecated in favour of rsync, for the following reasons:

Once you've set up your mirror, mail us with its address and the country it's in. However, before notifying us, please do test that it works:

If you want to comment on this web site, see the Feedback page.
(last modified on Sat Jan 21 15:19:16 2017)