We receive occasional reports of PuTTY crashing out with
in terminal.c:lineptr()
However, we haven't been able to reproduce the problem ourselves.
In recent versions of PuTTY (0.58 and up), the error takes the form of one or more error boxes saying "line==NULL in terminal.c" and giving some diagnostic information, along with an exhortation to contact us.
In versions of PuTTY before snapshot 2005-03-07, the error
is instead a failure of an assertion in terminal.c
that line != NULL
(the precise line number has changed
a lot due to the extensive terminal re-engineering since 0.56).
We've had one report since we added diagnostics which indicates that screen doesn't contain enough entries. However, we haven't thought of a plausible mechanism for screen or alt_screen to end up undersized.
(Possibly related, although we've no hard evidence for this: `assert-fail-newsavelines'.)
There seem to be a lot of reports of this error from people using the serial backend in 0.59, which suggests that it can be a symptom of win-handle-double-free (fixed in 0.60).
In fact, in general, we suspect this is a symptom of some sort of memory corruption to which this assertion is particularly sensitive, rather than evidence of a direct logical error.
line==NULL in terminal.c lineno=5376 y=65 w=182 h=65 count(scrollback=00890758)=2 count(screen=008BE508)=65 count(alt=00890768)=65 alt_sblines=64 whichtree=008BE508 treeindex=65
line==NULL in terminal.c lineno=4754 y=51 w=153 h=56 count(scrollback=003F1BF0)=382 count(screen=003F1C00)=56 count(alt=00B620C8)=56 alt_sblines=0 whichtree=003F1C00 treeindex=51
line==NULL in terminal.c lineno=4754 y=18 w=89 h=47 count(scrollback=011E1AA8)=200 count(screen=011E1AB8)=47 count(alt=011F9BF0)=47 alt_sblines=0 whichtree=011E1AB8 treeindex=18
linux==NULL in terminal.c lineno=4754 y=10 w=80 h=24 count(scrollback=003A1C60)=200 count(screen=003A1C70)=24 count(alt=003A1F90)=24 alt_sblines=0 whichtree=003A1C70 treeindex=10
One user (1124367194.23192.240954800@webmail.messagingengine.com) reported a failure of the same assertion with PuTTY 0.58. However, as their screen is apparently zero rows high (presumably due to their window manager), this pathological case is a problem that's now protected against via `zero-rows-cols-crash'.
I am using bblean blackbox for windows as a shell on windows XP SP2, and whenever I rollup a maximized putty window the following fatal error results:
line==NULL in terminal.c lineno=4621 y=0 w=93 h=0 count(scrollback=003B0F60)=200 count(screen=00CFA2B8)=0 count(alt=003B0F70)=0 alt_sblines=0 whichtree=00CFA2B8 treeindex=0
Perhaps an unrelated bug that's already been fixed: