PuTTY wish intel-keyboard

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summary: Keyboard mode to support Intel serial consoles
class: wish: This is a request for an enhancement.
difficulty: fun: Just needs tuits, and not many of them.
priority: low: We aren't sure whether to fix this or not.

Intel's server boards appear to use their own keyboard mapping, which doesn't quite correspond to anything that PuTTY supports:

Key Normal Shift Ctrl Alt
ESC ^[
F1 ^[OP
F2 ^[OQ
F3 ^[OR
F4 ^[OS
F5 ^[OT
F6 ^[OU
F7 ^[OV
F8 ^[OW
F9 ^[OX
F10 ^[OY
F11 ^[OZ
F12 ^[O1
Print Screen
Scroll Lock
Insert ^[[L
Delete (7Fh)
Home ^[[H
End ^[[K
Pg Up ^[[M
Pg Down ^[[2J
Up Arrow^[[A
Down Arrow^[[B
Right Arrow^[[C
Left Arrow^[[D
Tab (09h)
backspace(08h) (08h) (7Fh) ^[}(08h)
(accent)`` (tilde)~ ^[}`
1 1 ! ^[}1
2 2 @ ^[}2
3 3 # ^[}3
4 4 $ ^[}4
5 5 % ^[}5
6 6 ^ ^[}6
7 7 & ^[}7
8 8 * ^[}8
9 9 ( ^[}9
0 0 ) ^[}0
(dash)- - (under)_ (1Fh) ^[}-
= = + ^[}=
a to z a to z A to Z(01h)to (1Ah)^[}a to ^[}z
[ [ { (1Bh) ^[}[
] ] } (1Dh) ^[}]
\ \ | (1Ch) ^[}|
(semi-colon);; (colon): ^[};
(apostrophe)'' (quote)" ^[}'
(comma),, < ^[},
(period).. > ^[}.
/ / ? ^[}/
(space) (20h) (20h) (20h) ^[}(20h)

Table from SCB2 Server Board Technical Product Specification, Intel order number A70821-003.

I think this would best be handled by:

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Audit trail for this wish.
(last revision of this bug record was at 2003-03-05 18:44:19 +0000)